Our ministry is good soil! Through practical stewardship we're able to host street ministry events and other ministerial endeavors, as well as sponsor a teen mentorship program. In addition, we maintain a benevolent fund to assist church members and others in need. God continues to bless us because we can be trusted to be a blessing.
Through out scripture we are encouraged to give. If you are a church member or regularly attend a church, giving at the very least 10% of your earnings is considered your tithe and meets biblical requirements. If you are a sporadic church attendee, or if you were blessed by a message or a church event and there's an opportunity to give, do so! Giving back to God a portion of what he has enabled you to obtain speaks to your faith, your trust and your worship.
ways you can donate:
During our regular church service everyone has an opportunity to worship God with their giving. Envelopes are provided so your contribution can be received and recorded properly.
To give during your absence you can send your donation to:
Empowered Life Church c/o Pastor Anthony Palmer
322 Charlton Avenue
Hasbrouck Heights, NJ 07604